Child support


I’ve been having some doubts about putting my 4yr old sons father ( and I use that word very lightly he’s more of a sperm donor) on child support. He hasn’t done anything for my son in five years and if he sees him it’s for a few hours or a day then poof he’s gone again and that’s only when his mom wants to see him. My sister and best friend both say not to do it I’m good with out anything from him, my mom says go ahead and do what you want to do don’t worry about his mom. Grandparents don’t have any rights (her words). And my boyfriend is all you need to do this for your son your having another child he is going to need more in the future.

I’m in the process of getting all the paperwork done (or I have the paperwork done I just have to apply online and go from there).

Should I go through with it I fear he’s going to want to visit and I don’t want that.( I know he should be in his life but my son already knows daddy and that’s my boyfriend.

My thing is he doesn’t visit or call now and he knows how to get ahold of me phone social media and his family (his dad and uncle) know where I stay so it’s not hard to reach me.