Advice asap)-:

I live with my boyfriend also (father of the kids). We just moved in our first place together in sept after being spilt up. Right now I’m debating whether to just leave or stay. The whole time of being in this apartment was nothing but nightmares. I told him I feared of him hurting me and he let me down and cheated while I was pregnant which led to me moving my kids and our belongings . That day I left he didn’t go to work and he lost his job then. I came back to get belongings and he sobbed on his knees begging .. that drove me back home also I was pregnant (I just had a baby in oct 31st) . I knew I should’ve left forever right then in there because after all he didn’t change . But it’s hard to leave .. I’m sitting between he’s young and has to grow up & to be here for him because its rough and I love him . Right now I just want to run with the kids before another bad thing happens. Right now he’s really good at reminding me that I’m not the one that pays rent & how he does but I help him bring some type of income in while being SAHM . There’s much more to it but It’s just so bad please give me a prayer and encouragement to get out of this . I’m alone