Thought he just wanted to talk...


When I was about 15 years old I was dating a 17 year old for a few months. We ended up breaking up due to him “not feeling it anymore” well one night he called me and I was home alone and he said he really wanted to come over and talk about our problems. Well when he got to my house he was drunk and very rude. Kept saying things like “I love you and we need to do this together” or “stop being a pussy and grow up” and he forced me into my parents room and onto their bed. (He was about 4x my size he was a giant football player probably 200lbs pure mussel and I was 110lbs..) he ended up taking off my clothes and my virginity.. he kept saying I was going to hell if I were to ever tell anyone or wore my purity ring ever again. I was so scared and couldn’t tell anyone.. well my period was two weeks late and I started to get scared and I said something to a friend who told him. Next thing I knew the whole school knew and made fun of me for saying that and thinking I was pulling the pregnancy card to get him back which was far from true... throughout the rest of high school him and his friend bullied me so bad too were I tried to commit suicide twice. I would have people write “Whore” on my car windows and even burned the word whore into my parents front lawn. I never have told my parents about this and I am now 22 I have never been able to trust another guy until 4 years ago when I met my now husband. It took some time but he was the first one I really talk to about the situation and he was so comforting and supportive... i still think about that night every day... he even still messaged me saying things like I want to cum inside you so you can have my kids or about how badly he wants to marry me and stuff.... I feel like he will never leave my life....