So sick of men

honestly reading people’s stories on here about their boyfriends, dealing with my own issues with my baby daddy, seeing what my sister is going thru with hers and just seeing men’s behavior in the world I have to say men as a whole are almost repulsive to me at this point. I understand it’s not all men or whatever but it’s a ridiculously large percentage of men that are just straight up disrespectful to women that I’m seriously considering never being in a serious relationship with one again. I’m bisexual so for me it isn’t that bad because I am capable of finding love interest in my own sex but holy shit. Men really don’t deserve women. The amount of stories I read about men cheating on their women while they are pregnant, not to mention my own experience, is so fucking sickening. Watching my nieces father hit my sister because HE cheated and got caught like what the actual fuck and he’s not the only one doing that. It’s crazy because it’s really so many men out there that don’t act right and treat women to terribly and I’m so sick of it. We as women need to stand up together and demand the respect we deserve I’m so tired of of us fighting each other because of men.