Fuck my boss

Sherry • Stars can't shine without darkness.

Straight up, I hate my job. I hate my manager. He is the shittiest manager I've ever met. He actually has no fucking clue what he is doing when it comes to safely managing a cosmetics production floor. That being said this isnt what this rant is about. He's the most gossipy bitch I've ever met. I've actually busted him with his ear up against a vent eavesdropping on whats being said down in the production area.

So I come in yesterday after the holidays and I haven't announced that im pregnant yet. Only one lady knows and I know dhe hasn't told anyone. So she pulls me aside yesterday and told me that my manager cornered her and told her he knows im pregnant and wants to know when i told her and how far along i am. She told him it was not her place to say anything and I'd tell him when I was ready. My manager is the kind of guy that feels the need to tell other co workers personal info of other workers. This lady im talking about had some cancer treatments she went to with her husband in the mornings and was late for awhile but had it cleared with management. Our manager proceeds to tell us every single time she is late oh such and such is late, she has cancer treatments this morning. Like get fucked buddy, its no ones business.

Anyways, now this asshole is staring at me like ohhh she's got a secret. Meanwhile he's probably telling everyone on staff. What is this, fucking high school? I'll tell you when im ready to asshole and not a minute before. I can't wait to get the fuck out of this place and in to a better work environment.