What I wanted vs what I got... *update*


Ok.... it's bad but.... it's not exact... I didn't noticed until relooking at the drawing again as of now. Im not sure what else to say as of now I'm not mad at the fact that it's missing some details... I'm upset because I thought my SO would make me feel abit better about it. Instead he kept point fingers on whos fault was it and he didn't want to say anything because it was my birthday ( December 27 is when I got it and aka my birthday)... never once I said it was anyone's fault all I said was I lowkey wish I had a second opinion before getting it done place wise.. I went there because that's where my little sister went to get hers done and it came out good soo I felt comfortable to go to the same place as her and her lil friends... but its fine... it's very little details... I just know in the future is to don't ask for just any artist but a really good one if i have no one in mind... I'm just overall ranting because I'm upset with what my SO said... I'm sorry im alll over the place... soooo after I clarified what I meant he kept going on about who fault it was and say I should've spoken up about what i wanted or that I shouldn't gotten it in the first place or gave myself a second opinion.. sooo since he wasn't understanding jack I told him to stop talking because he was upsetting me then to spite me he gonna ask me "how much did you pay for it again?" So I hung up on him and blocked him for a few minutes so he doesn't call me back to back as I type this and I'll unblock once done with this... he'll be fine... it's not that big of a deal overall... its what he said what got to me... I'm sorry this is long.. the tattoo is not that bad is it?????


Thank you ladies sooo much I feel so much better about my tattoo and fell more in love with it more than the day i got it. Also im adding more to my arm can't stop at one.. right? lol the location of it gonna be on the upper part of the same arm i got this one it's between A or B.

(Opinion A)

(Opinion B)