Are all meds okay during the implantation stage of pregnancy?

Hi everyone, so i have been thinking i may be pregnant, because i had unprotected sex, and a little after i ovulated i had pelvic and back cramps. Of course this doesn't gurantee I'm pregnant but i like to be cautious in case i am and i was wondering if there are certain medications i should stay away from??

It was recently new years and i ended up drinking and smoking a little, i survive off coffee, and lately ive been dealing with a cold so I've been taking generic sudafed and mucinex. I also have bad allergies so i take allegra everyday, as well as my daily inhaler and probiotics.. and occasionally tylenol. It's a LOT. I know. 😅

Besides new years ive been trying to stay away from alcohol, and i havent taken any anti-inflammatories.

I was just wondering if there's anything i should really try to stay away from this early on because i take so much :)

Thank you so much. 💜