Help husband understand


We have have been TTC since 2017. Had MC Feb 2018 at 11 weeks.

No luck conceiving after that, had surgery for stage 2 endometriosis in May 2019.

MD said she was confident it would happen 6 months post lap, but if it didn’t next step would be medicated <a href="">iui</a> cycle. Husband has been aware of all of this. I talked to husband in December when cycle started about next steps. Well here we are now, I just started letrozole for Medicated <a href="">iui</a> cycle and now he is freaking out because he doesn’t want a baby to be born in the fall (we are big hunters).

I told him <a href="">iui</a> is just slightly increasing our chances, it isn’t a guarantee. This caused a huge fight because he claims he doesn’t know what is going on, meanwhile every time I try to talk to him about it he “doesn’t want to talk about it right now” He has been supportive but Really not researching or trying to understand the Extra steps when TTC so that has all fallen on my lap, which is fine, but I don’t feel as though we have the luxury as when we get to “plan” our baby’s birthday. I feel as though we need as many odds in our favor to increase our chances. I also don’t want to not try <a href="">iui</a> this cycle as I have already started taking medication. This is putting a huge strain on our marriage and he claims I don’t love him if he isn’t enough for me. I just don’t know what to do and am so heartbroken