I just need to get this off my mind


So yes this is a little bit of a rant post. I am a single mother. A lot of people don’t understand that and some people just don’t understand why or they just think it’s not right or whatever. And everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re entitled to have an opinion about my life or my parenting choices or my situation when they have no idea what’s going on with it. I can’t tell you how many people I have encountered who have thrown their two cents in about the fact that I am a single parent. So to set the record straight I am a single mother because I broke up with my ex for cheating on me a week later I found out I was three weeks pregnant. I told my ex-boyfriend that I was pregnant and at first he seemed so excited he wanted to be around he wanted to have a part in our babies life, until he thought that we were going to get back together and I told him we weren’t. At six weeks into my pregnancy he wanted me to come over to his house and spend the weekend with him to set things straight and all this that and the other. I told him it was unnecessary that there was nothing to set straight that he and I were in a couple but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t be a part of our kids life. When I told him that he said he didn’t want it that way he wanted us to be together he wanted me to move in with him so that the baby and I would live with him. I told him that wasn’t what I wanted and that he and I didn’t work as a couple and that if he couldn’t be faithful to me before there was no guarantee he would now and then I wasn’t gonna put myself through that or put our baby through that because she was going to have to grow up watching that and I didn’t want that for her when I first told him about the baby I gave him an option I said you can be a part of the babies life or you can be gone there won’t be any in between you’re not gonna come and go as you please because that’s not gonna be good for the kid. I have been the kid in that situation I have been the kid whose father comes and goes from their life and who doesn’t give a damn about the child they helped create and I didn’t want that for my child I want it better for her so when he decided that he didn’t wanna be a part of her life I told him if you make this decision then that’s it you cannot change your mind a year from now. So when I texted him and told him that I had scheduled my first ultrasound for eight weeks two weeks prior to the first ultrasound he ignored me he read my message but he didn’t respond. One week later I texted him again hey just wanted to remind you I’ve got my first ultrasound I don’t know if you’ll be able to make it but if not I can always call you or text you afterwards again read the message but no response the day before my first ultrasound I texted him again hey just wanted to let you know I’ve got my first ultrasound tomorrow but if I don’t hear back from you after this message I’m not gonna try to contact you after the ultrasound once again he read the message but didn’t respond. So I didn’t contact him again I had another ultrasound at 11 weeks and I also had genetic testing done to make sure that the baby didn’t have any genetic defects and so I could find out the gender during my 12 week I decided to give one last effort to let him be a part of our child’s life. So I texted him I said I honestly don’t think you care at this point because I have tried to contact you several times and you haven’t responded but I just wanted to let you know the babies doing great I’ve had two ultrasounds thus far I sent him a picture from each ultrasound I told him what the babies heart rate was and that the doctor said so far the baby looks great and I also told him that if I didn’t get a response this time I would not make any effort whatsoever again to contact him. So when he once again read the message and decided not to respond to me I gave up I didn’t contact him the rest of my pregnancy I didn’t contact him when I was in labor I didn’t contact him after my daughter was born I didn’t tell him when I had to go to the hospital at 15 weeks freaking out because I started spotting or when I found out that I was having a girl I didn’t call him or text him when I had the baby shower or when anything else happened my daughter is now five months old he has never once tried to contact us he’s never asked about her or anything so when people look at me and they act like I’m the bad guy for not letting him be a part of her life I don’t feel guilty I don’t feel bad honestly it only makes me angry because I am not the bad guy in this situation I made the effort I tried to get him to be a part of my child’s life I gave him multiple opportunities all I asked for was a response when I let him know what was going on during my pregnancy he had nine months worth of a pregnancy to ask me anything to say anything to me and he’s had five months since she was born text say anything to me and he hasn’t. And then there are people who say that I’m stupid for not going through court to get him to pay child support and while yes having a little help with paying for the things that my daughter needs would be useful it is not worth bringing someone into my daughters life who obviously does not care about her it is not worth putting her through having to go see someone who never even wanted to acknowledge it is not worth having to put her through possible visitation or even worse Her having to go stay with him every other weekend especially since he lives 3 1/2 hours away across the state line now when we were together we lived 30 minutes apart that was nothing but now he’s 3 1/2 hours away he doesn’t know her he doesn’t know her schedule he doesn’t know what she likes he doesn’t know what formula she’s on he doesn’t know that she’s allergic to certain diaper so she has one specific brand she can use he doesn’t know what kind of wipes to get her he doesn’t know that she has an issue with her formula so you have to be careful with it and what her amount of formula versus the water in the bottle versus the oatmeal in the bottle or anything else. I know everything about my daughter I know what she eats and when she eats it and how much she eats I know what clothes she doesn’t doesn’t like because certain things are itchy and uncomfortable I know which blankets she likes I know which toys are her favorites I know what it takes to get her to nap during the day and what she does during bedtime I know her routine she has been with me every single day of her life literally from the moment of conception to this very second. So when people chastise me for not having her father in her life or for not taking him to court and getting child-support what does it matter I take care of my daughter she is well cared for she is healthy she is happy she has everything she needs so why do people feel the need to put in to our lives and criticize me over somebody who doesn’t even want to be in her life I could understand it if I was one of those mothers who keep the kids from a father who loves them and wants to be in their life, but that is in no way shape or form the circumstances that I deal with I love my daughter and I want what’s best for her and that is not bringing someone who has never once showed that he gave a crap about her that is not someone who knows nothing about her that is not someone who has never even tried to see her or contact me or even call me to talk to her over the phone. I am sure that somebody will have an issue with what I’m saying because several people have had an issue when I have sent it to them in person so for anybody who has an issue with this I don’t care because anybody who is not involved in my daughters life doesn’t get to have an opinion of me or of her or of how I’m raising her because why does it matter to you if you’re not a part of your life and the sad part is it’s mostly people who don’t know me or don’t have a part of her life that have these opinions.