Is The Witcher a misogynistic show?


The reason why I ask, is because I used to be part of an all female Facebook group of sci-fi lovers and someone made a huge post about how awful and female-hating it is, and how all the females were portrayed as l evil and unlikeable, or the were just used as eye candy.

I disagreed, and the way the post was written, it sounded very much like toxic feminism on her part.

I've been watching the show myself, and I very much think it's the opposite. The show is full of very strong, lovable female characters, and the actresses portraying them are amazing!

I think the thing that confuses people though, is the setting. In the world The Witcher is set in, women are rather oppressed, and strong women are called witches and scorned. It's just like how things used to be during that time period, and thus I think it's very accurate. I don't see an issue with having a story in an accurate setting like that. That's how things were.

The show shows all these "evil" women as real people, who have to make hard decisions and are fighting for the respect they deserve. It's a great show and I don't believe it has even an inkling of misogyny. The empowerment of women in The Witcher is amazing, and personally I'm very excited for the next season to come out in the fall.

On top of that, I think the show is really accurate to the games, and the casting and acting are all done very well!

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