Beyond frustrated......!!!!!!!!!!!

My son is about to be 8 months old. Lately he’s been waking up in the middle of the night screaming. He sleeps in a mini crib in my bedroom.

FYI: He has been an all night sleeper since he was about 3 months old.

I’m pretty sure it’s due to the fact that he’s currently teething. I feel so bad for him. I’m currently not going to work as I am on disability for my back due to complications post pregnancy.

The frustrating part is that every time he has one of these episodes instead of my husband trying to help he just grabs his blanket and heads to the living room couches to sleep. Every single time I’m left to pick up my baby and rock him back to sleep which as of lately has been no easy feet....some mornings I’m left in excruciating pain because of my back.

I’ve already spoken with him and asked him to try and help some nights, don’t just leave every time but he just continues to’s so frustrating!!!

He doesn’t even is he ever going to master calming him down if he doesn’t even try...ugh!!!

Am I being selfish since he is working and I’m not?

This should be a shared effort to raise this baby which includes these kind of nights right?

Am I crazy?


Mom in tears