Is chivalry dead ??

Long read: basically should a guy pay for majority of dates? Or is 2020 the year of progressiveness where women are supposed to pay for dates now?

Details below:

I’ve been dating this guy for about 7 months now and whenever we would go out or eat I would end up paying bc he didn’t have money. Fast forward 6 months later, and now he has a job where he makes decent money. I don’t work bc I go to school. So this whole time I’ve been using what little money I earned from working before I started college on him. I was raised to think that the boy should pay for our dates (which we have never even really gone on since it’s always like fast food where i end up paying or we split it). Especially since most of the time I am the one making the hour long trip to go see him. I brought up the issue w him a while back and since he’s been making money, for the past 3 meals he’s paid. But he wanted to go to a new restaurant the other day that I didn’t even really want to go to but I was like yeah its fine nbd. The waitress brought the check out and it was about $28 and he said he felt like I should pay since my meal costed more than his. Idk I thought it was kind of rude bc I didn’t even really want to go there and I’m kind of tired of spending money on him 😕 I’m trying to be understanding but it feels v one sided. He is constantly “flexing” his money and talking about how much he has now.

To add to that: for christmas I took him shopping and bought him about $300 worth of clothes (bc he said he was willing to spend $300-$400 on my gift which I thought was A LOT) but now it’s the new year. And he didn’t buy me anything for christmas. He gave me a blanket that looked like it was for a baby girl and some Mary Kay sample lipsticks and a mug. I know it’s the thought that counts but he told me he’d be spending X amount on me so that’s how much I spent on him.

I’m trying to be understanding and not be superficial but its been bothering me. Idk if I’m the one that needs to change my perspective.

I’m just bummed bc he keeps saying he is going to take me out and we’re going to go all these places but I’m over here like that’s great but I don’t want to get stuck having to pay for it all.

Sorry this is long. I just needed to vent. Any opinions are welcome.