am i being weird ?

so my relationship with my bf is really good we rarely fight or have issues but recently i have been noticing the communication is a little off in person we’re good and i understand he’s really busy with work, practice, and family which is fine so as a result we don’t usually text that much throughout the day and if we do the messages can sometimes be hours apart which i don’t really mind since i’m not the best at texting myself and most of the time i sleep late into the day but two days ago we were texting and after 4 pm he completely went ghost i mean wasn’t answering my texts or calls wasn’t active on any social media nothing and i was a little worried but i had his location so i knew he was fine finally the next morning he texted me saying he got really tired after playing basketball with his friends and slumped which my friends confirmed since her bf is one of the friends he was playing with but i was mad cause i feel like a simple "i’m okay but i’m tired gn love you " or even just an "i’m okay" would have been good enough and a lot of times when we get on ft i feel like i’m the only one talking he always says he doesn’t know what to say like his mind is blank or something like just simply telling me about you’re day is fine but he can’t even do that even though he will be the one that wanted to call me look idk am i being weird? i really need some advice