I'm getting real with y'all

3 tests came back positive yesterday. I still can't believe it. I'm so SO excited and yet, there's a part of me that cries every time I see those tests.

I carried my little girl for 41 weeks. She passed away this past July, one day before I had her. I'm honestly doing really well and God has been good to us. It's really comforting knowing that she's the happiest she can be.

I am excited for this pregnancy, more than I can express, but I'm also kind of numb. It doesn't seem real. It's as if I can't accept that I'm going to have another baby and she's not going to be there.

How do I let go, move on, and yet not let go of her? How can I deal with the joy of getting a positive along with the pain of a loss? I always say she will NEVER be replaced, but it somehow feels as if that's what's happening. I'm scared that she will slip out of my mind because there's another child vying for my attention. How do you keep that silent grief and exuberant joy in the same heart space?

Needing some real advice because I honestly don't know what to feel.