a touchy subject

So I’ve been wanting to talk about this to someone for SO LONG. My boyfriend and his family is on the rich side. I’ve known for 4 months, and 4 months only. It’s been driving me insane not being able to talk to anyone about it because I don’t want to come off as bragging or a gold digger because I’ve obviously been dating the guy for 6 years now (Obviously before him and I ever got jobs lol), since we were 14. but Jesus Christ it all makes sense now. He was so ok with just paying $2000 for our apartment when I didn’t have a job or a penny to my name. He was ok with paying for groceries and buying me work clothes when I finally landed my job in October. When I started to put together the pieces, it all just hit me at once and I had to take a step back. I instantly started questioning him, asking if he thought I was using him or if he thought I was a gold digger. I was TERRIFIED he would think something because I’m 100% NOT that type of person. The only reason I freaked out was because he knows I come from a poor family. My family who used to feed me McDonald’s for breakfast every morning, struggling for money, free reduced lunches at school being my only meal, looking to charity for Christmas gifts kind of poor. Money is such a rare, wild concept to me, and I’m beyond excited he has so much, because that means he can pay for his schooling. He can do what he loves and not have to worry. It just baffles me I just now found out after years of being together. I asked why he kept it from me, and he said “I didn’t, I don’t really think we’re rich. We just... have money I guess. There was no need to tell you.” I mean, fair.