I’m Probably Being Petty...Correct me if I’m Wrong

Tina S.

Overtime I have acquired the love language of ‘praise’ because I realize how important it is in order for me to feel and be appreciated for the things I do for my boyfriend.

I have always noticed that my boyfriend is always thankful for things his coworkers do for him. He goes out of his way for them too, (even if he’s feeling sick as a dog he will come in if they need him).

Point is, I do plenty of things for him in this relationship because I am a very nurturing and giving person, so it would be nice if he could acknowledge it every now and then. But I don’t feel as though I get acknowledged enough. I’m thinking if I start acknowledging him and his duties more, it may make him know aware to do the same? I have already talked to him about it but, it hasn’t gotten anywhere far really.

Suggestions? Is it petty I’m comparing myself to coworkers?