Fed up. Advice??


I recently found out I was pregnant (we have a 1 year old) and my boyfriend told me he didnt want it over and over and over. Then he suddenly decides he "does"

Since he has said he does he doesn't talk about it, doesn't like me talking about it, and he over all acts like it's just not happening. Like he wants me to pretend it isnt happening. Well he also hasn't wanted any sexual contact with me and anything I say that could be anything close to sexual he rolls his eyes, gets quiet, and tries to change the subject. He tells me he wants to have sex with a woman who he enjoys having sex with and doesn't argue with him. (Clearly telling me he doesn't wanna have sex with me anymore. In my opinion) smokes pot every night and passes out.

He has a depressed fat ass friend over ALL the time. Might as well say the lazy fuck lives here for absolutely nothing. No job, no goals, no ambitions, sleeps on my couch all day, doesn't shower, never talks, no help with anything.

I pay for every bit of food and he has no problem eating it all, he causes problems and makes dumbass comments about my family, my sister, my cousin, everything. I'm done hearing it.

I'm getting sick of even coming home. Or being home. My boyfriend acts like he could care less anymore if I'm here or not. As long as his friend is here and he has weed. He doesn't give a shit what he says to me anymore or how what he says makes me or anyone else feel for that matter. He acts like he can say and do whatever he wants without any repercussions or without anyone saying anything to him about it. I'm beyond over it. I am to the point that I dont even want to lay next to him anymore. He always sleeps quite a bit of ways away from me every night. And he doesn't see that how he is treating me makes me feel like I should not be having this baby and that my daughter and I should leave. I'm lost, I'm hurt, I'm broke, I'm depressed, I don't know what to do anymore, constantly stressed out, wondering how we are gonna make it by. I do not want this kinda life for me or my children... what do I do?... I have nowhere to go or anyone to run to. I'm just slowly breaking.