
Hey guys, sorry this might be long cause I just gotta rant.

So basically I have this friend (let’s call her H). And like whenever I hangout with her she always seems to copy everything I do like for an example I bought a drink to school and then the next day she bought the same thing as me or I bought this bag of chips and then she said can you go to the vending machine for me and get me the same thing you got but like another thing is she makes me do stuff for her and I’m like sure but when I ask her to do something for me she’s like no you can do it yourself or I do stuff for you and I’m like what is that and she says I’m your friend i sit with you at lunch I talk to you like stuff like that like she guilts me or something and during lunch I bring like good food lol and then she’ll be like hey can I have some and I usually give her some but when I ask for some food from her she’s like no and this happened Friday I had brought in popcorn which I popped and she bought two to school and then she was like can I have some of yours when she had her own but she never shares anything with me and then I get really annoyed with her and she’s always like what’s wrong and I’m like nothing when in reality it’s her and i don’t wanna say the reason and like sometimes when I say something to her that I’m excited for she’ll be like I don’t care but when she has something she’s excited for I’m always like congrats or cool but like it gets really annoying and she’s always taking my food too like once we went to the mall together and she saw this thing at Sephora and asked her mom for some money for it and then we went into bath & body works and she was like hey can you buy this for me since my mom wants it and she tried getting two hand soaps and a hand sanitizer when I only got one hand soap so it’s like she’s taking stuff from me when she literally has her own money. And like for Christmas she kept saying I got an Apple Watch for Christmas and etc and my family is more on the poor side so it felt like she just wanted to rub it in my face. And another time when we went to my church for something she got a gift she didn’t want and had like this big hissy fit saying I don’t want this and kept trying to tell people to steal like this like she wasn’t grateful for it. And I just kinda need help cause idk what to do so tell me what your thoughts are.