My mom always talks negative about my boyfriend and it pisses me tf off

It’s really hard to find a place of our own because where I’m from it’s expensive and stressful. We are ok now but me and her got in a huge fight yesterday and it was just stupid. He moved in around 2018 and has been here for 2 years. My dad cheated and left my mom multiple times stole her money so he doesn’t live with my mom anymore but she keeps talking to him and taking him back I don’t know why as of now their talking whatever her relationship I don’t care anymore. I have a daughter who’s 9 months and we’re having a baby boy due in April. My boyfriend has adhd meaning he doesn’t pay attention to what he’s doing eats messy and can not complete a task for shit. He walks up the stairs loud is very forgetful but this is nothing new to me and I’m not using his ADHD as an excuse. My mom gets fed up and overwhelmed about everything he does. I remind him everyday and I can see he’s trying he’s just the type who gets easily overwhelmed all his life. My mom says hurtful things he’s so careless when he eats everything falls on the floor he walks up the stairs fast and loud it annoys her I talked to him about it and he says sorry I try but It just comes natural to me and I don’t realize I’m doing it he said it’s just feet? And it’s just so fucking petty she’s a very clean person I understand this is her house but damn she has been like that all my life and can’t stand mess in the house she said it’s just annoying he’s annoying he never learns I talked to my boyfriends foster mom about this and she said because of his condition he never pays attention to what he does can’t keep lights off always keeps it on is forgetful and has always been careless like I said I’m not using that as an excuse but I see that he’s trying hard and I just have to constantly remind him everyday he gives her 500 dollars for rent helps out with food groceries gets our daughter whatever she needs etc he works night shift from 6-4:30 in the morning so he’s tired all the time and tries to clean when he can my mom just recently retired and he’s helping her with money and stuff sometimes I feel she’s so fuckin ungrateful gets mad over the most smallest shit at the end of the day I love them both equally and I love him and he makes me happy and I think he’s a wonderful father she can’t see that all she sees is the fuckin negative I can go on and on about everything else she says it’s just overwhelming for me