What do you do if a driver comes up quickly behind you, and becomes obviously upset that your pace slowed them down?

H • BLM // Click the link in my bio to learn more about what you can do to help

So this was a debate in my city’s FB group a few weeks ago. The person it happened to didn’t pull over to “teach him a lesson,” but she was met with controversy in the comments.

Many people shared their own experiences of having to speed to get their pregnant wife to the hospital, or visit a dying relative one last time. They argued at the end of the day, she should’ve just pulled over and allowed him to go because she doesn’t know his reason/circumstance for speeding/being obviously emotional about the hold up.

So, what do you guys think? What should people do in these situations, since we obviously can’t tell if someone’s speeding to get home and sleep, or speeding for the health of themselves/someone else?

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Posted at
I’ve been the person in the emergency rushing to the hospital. Someone doing the speed limit didn’t stop me. I didn’t ride their ass, I just passed them when I felt as if it was safe to do so. I was willing to take the risk of getting pulled over. Ive been the person who’s had someone come right up to my bumper when I was already doing 5+ over the speed limit (ok probably 10 over). If I’m on a back road, you can pass me or stay behind me, but I’m certainly not pulling over for you to pass. If I’m on the highway, I’ll switch lanes and let you be the first one the cops see. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted at
There are speed limits for a reason. Yes it would be sad that there's any emergency happening but that doesn't mean they should speed. That's how accidents happen.


Darkry • Jan 19, 2020
Just thought I'd mention.. in the last 2 months alone there have been 3 accidents including someone speeding, a 4 year old girl died simply because the other driver was speeding and another incident a man was ran over and killed because of a speeder.. and I live in a fairly small town. So it definitely happens.


Marie • Jan 17, 2020
But is it not still a contributor to accidents? I don't agree with ANY accident causing behavior. It's just flat out irresponsible and selfish period.


Pi • Jan 17, 2020
Yea there’s speed limits for a reason but your last statement, people get into accidents for many more reasons than speeding. Cell phone usage is probably the worst.


Posted at
I speed, regardless of emergency. I’m just a fast driver. That being said, I do not tailgate. It’s dangerous and reckless. The only time I tailgate is if someone pulls out in front of me and goes under the speed limit, when they could have waited for me to pass. And I only do it for a few seconds and then I let up or go around. Now, if someone is tailgating me and getting angry, I will let off the gas and slow down on purpose. I don’t brake check, but I slow down. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If I’m on the highway, I’ll just move over so they can pass. I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE WHO DRIVE IN THE LEFT LANE FOR SHITS AND GIGS. ITS FOR FKN PASSING ONLY. MOVE YOUR SLOW ASS OVER. 🚗💨


Dana • Jan 18, 2020


lo • Jan 17, 2020
Be careful! I work in a career where I deal with accidents on a daily basis.. many, many deaths from simply speeding. Just a reminder 😌


Kathie ✨ • Jan 17, 2020
I guess I’m THAT person as well... oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
If you are on the highway in the left lane you need to move over. The left lane is for passing only so unless you are actively passing you are in the wrong. Any other road, just do your thing and they can chill out.


Ro • Feb 10, 2020
In MD it’s just the fast lane and if someone comes up behind you wanting you go faster, you move over to let them go. But driving the speed limit or under in the left lane is rude.


ad • Jan 21, 2020
We also have carpool only in Portland though just to the I-5 bridge


Carina❣️ • Jan 21, 2020
Yup we got carpool only lanes too no passing only lanes though


Posted at
I was taught in drivers ed that if you have an emergency (someone bleeding out, wife in labour, etc) you put your flashing lights on and call 911. The police will find you and escort you or meet you with an ambulance. I hate tailgaters but twice I’ve seen someone flying up behind me and they had their flashing lights on so I knew it was a legit emergency.


🌌🌟 • Jan 16, 2020
I didn't know this!


Posted at
If I’m already speeding and someone does that and gets too close, I’m brake checking their ass. I’ll move for someone who is behind me at a decent distance, cause they probably have somewhere to be. But if you’re going to get to the point where I can no longer see your headlights, we’re going to have a problem 🤷🏻‍♀️


*•A•* • Jan 20, 2020
Tell that to all the tailgaters.


Fi • Jan 20, 2020
I get that. You've been very clear throughout this post on that. I'm just letting you know that it's reckless and dangerous and I have seen first hand the consequences of drivers like you. What you are clinging to right now is ego, not logic. I hope one day you learn before it's too late.


*•A•* • Jan 20, 2020
I don’t care, like I said, you won’t change anything. I’m fine with doing what I do and don’t care if you or anyone else has a problem with it


Posted at
People have got to stop playing on the roads man 🥴🥴🥴


Posted at
If someone has an emergency they can pass you when they declare it to be safe...however, let’s face it, it’s usually not an emergency. No one needs to pull over for someone who is breaking the law (yes it is illegal, at least in VA) by tailgating you. What kind of logic is that? Yes, let’s reward the a**hole. 🤦‍♀️


Mi • Jan 17, 2020
Right?! I’m not going to risk my safety or other drivers safety so some jerk can go unreasonably faster. If I can move over, I’ll move over to get him out of my hair. But when there’s no choice to move over, I’m going to drive a safe speed.


Posted at
depends. if i'm in the right-most lane, i don't change. if i'm not, i just move over. yes speed limits exist, but so does "slower traffic move right."


Posted at
I will 100% slow down purposefully and report the plate to police🤷🏻‍♀️This actually happened the other day I was in bumper to bumper traffic for 15 miles. This guy would blare his horn non stop if I didn’t ride the persons ass in front of me. So I drove slower to maintain a safe distance between me and the car in front of me till there was an opening for me to get out of his way. Sure enough he followed me off the freeway and in doing so landed right into the patrol officer 911 dispatch had sent out.


Carina❣️ • Jan 17, 2020
Ugh I literally had a guy follow me all the way home I’m pretty sure the only reason he drove away when I got home was cause my uncles were outside. if someone was having road rage & started following you you don’t think that’s a valid reason. I didn’t call the police but if I did I would be very disappointed if they said they couldn’t do anything about a guy threatening me & following me home.. that’s more than just petty house wife’s whining about people on the road.. if nottodaysatan didn’t call who know how long he would have followed her for..


Mi • Jan 17, 2020
Totally!! I’m not putting my life in danger and the other drivers around me in danger because someone wants to be an ass behind me.


✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Jan 17, 2020
Tbh I really wouldn’t have been that upset, but he woke my sleeping teething godson up and I was a bit bitter because it’s so hard to get him to be settled in his car seat let alone in traffic😩😩