I need advice...

So there is this guy I liked last year and I found out he liked me around the same time. During Christmas, I told him I missed him a week after he told me he missed me and all he said was “it’s ok” I took the hint and backed off. After a while of not talking to him, he texted me saying he missed talking to me. I explained why I backed off and he said sorry he was a jerk and we started snap chatting again, only this time, we don’t even talk, we just send out faces back and forth. I really like this guy still and want to get closer but at the same time he’s let me down twice already and he leaves me on read a lot. I don’t understand because he went through the trouble of texting me to have me start snapping him back again by saying he missed talking to me. What should I do? I like him but I don’t want to put myself out there again to be hurt because I did it once and his explanation for his it’s ok response was that he didn’t know what to say. To me that means not interested yet he wanted to go back to our super dry conversations all the time.