Need advice


My boyfriend and I have been together for almost four years now. We are high school sweethearts he is 22 and i’m 19. Our relationship has always been so amazing. So playful, goofy, loving, and really only ever had small arguments a few big ones. He recently moved away to Vegas and im in LA. He did this because his family is out there and he wanted to spend time with them as well as go to school and finally get his career started. i am so proud of him in everything he is doing but it’s been taking a toll on our relationship. he said that he wants a break but he just needs the break to focus on school. i can see how determined he is to finally be in school and starting his life but i don’t understand why we can’t do that together you know? I get that he wants to focus on school but i keep reassuring him that i won’t be a distraction. i just want to be there to support him. and he will only be gone for a year but i don’t think i can handle us being on a break for a whole year. and i feel like recently i have been the one putting it all the effort like texting him throughout the day and stuff like that. he wouldn’t text me if i didn’t text him first. i know he would never never cheat on me and he keeps saying that he’s doing this for OUR future and that he still wants to be with me so what should i do?! i want to keep fighting for us but if he doesn’t get over this “break” thing then how long should i keep fighting? it’s only been a week since the fighting started but how much longer should i give it? a month? ugh someone help please! 😂🙃