Grasping straws

So my boyfriend was really into me in the beginning. We have only been together ONE MONTH and he is already showing signs of being less interested. I’m getting annoyed.

He will take hours to reply to my texts now (he never did this before) and be on Instagram constantly. I am pretty annoyed because I have a child and I really hate wasting my time.

I asked him if he’s less interested and he said he isn’t. I’m not convinced. My gut feelings have never been wrong and right now... the gut feeling is strong.

Like I said, I am pretty annoyed. But it’s making me lose interest the more he does this.

Should I just ghost him? Or just give him the effort he is giving me and let it fizzle out if that’s what’s going to happen? I’m getting pretty fed up with guys wasting my time.

The last time I had a gut feeling about a guy that was SUPER into me and then started taking longer to reply, and had shorter texts, my gut was right and he was back on dating sites and had little to no interest in me. Only problem is, he wouldn’t tell me. He kept telling me he was interested. I had to find out myself that he was on those sites and ended up blocking his #.

I only know he’s active on Instagram because he keeps watching my stories that I post.