Absent Boyfriend

Lately my boyfriend has been absent in the relationship. We hardly ever communicate anymore and I haven’t seen him in weeks. I recently reached out asking him if things were alright and he said they were. He’s been busy setting/reaching his goals.

Although I completely respect his journey and support him 100%. I miss him dearly. I told him I missed him and wish we could meet up soon, but he never responded. I have trouble opening up and being vulnerable about my feelings and he knows that. So it kinda stung when he ignored my text.

Lately I’ve wanted to talk about things but it feels like theres this wall between us and although he can hear me, he’s not listening. There’s so many things I want to say to him but I don’t even know if I can articulate them because I struggle talking about my feelings. I just want to tell him that he doesn’t have to isolate himself to reach his goals. Because when he does that it makes me feel like maybe he’s realized that the only way to reach them is without me. And that it constantly feels like he’s prioritizing everything but me. And that I understand that I don’t always have to be a priority, but it would be nice if he picked me every now and then. It would be nice if he made the effort to see me. That I shouldn’t have to remind him to make time for me, or for him to miss me back or want to talk to me. And I worry that we’ve gotten so out of synch in our relationship that he’s become oblivious to all these problems.

I feel guilty and conflicted. Because a part of me tells me that I should know my self worth and that I shouldn’t even try to put up with this shit. But another part of me thinks its my fault for overestimating my importance in his life and being so attached. And that maybe I’m being too insecure and blowing things out of proportion. I’ve lost control of my emotions and feel so needy and clingy. I don’t know what to do.

Any advice/input helps. Thank you.