Tell Me We Don’t Need Feminism

Tell me we don’t need feminism.

Tell me we don’t need feminism one more god damn time.

Tell me that it was okay when the boyfriend of my coworker came to my house with a crowbar and tried to kill me for comforting her after he abused her. And then when the police came, they “couldn’t prove the threats.”

Or when the police read the texts between me and my coworker who was scared to death that her boyfriend would kill her and didn’t fucking care.

Tell me we don’t need feminism when her boyfriend knocked her out so she couldn’t escape him in the car and proceeded to drive drunk and scream to her about how he was going to kill all her friends. Or when he forced himself on her. Or when she called the cops to report domestic violence, they “couldn’t prove it.”

Tell me we don’t need feminism when the policeman looked at my coworker’s bruises and trashed house and head injury, and still didn’t believe she was being abused.

Tell me why it is so hard for victims of domestic abuse to escape their partners because of a lack of resources.

Because it was so hard for her to even cry for help the first time. And those who supposedly have “resources” told her to “figure it out on her own.”

Tell me why the police didn’t believe the 21 year old girl who endured abuse, and tried to stay, so she could make sure her psychotic partner didn’t kill her dogs.

It’s not fucking fair.

And then tell me why it had to take three very large men, who were not the police, to scare this boy into behaving for 5 minutes

Tell me we don’t need feminism one more fucking time.