Idk what to do or think anymore


So my bf and I been together 7 months. And everything was fine. We fight but we always talk all day everyday. But I’m really emotional, I cry about everything. I have depression. And I’ve been like this for idk how long I’ve gone to therapy but it never worked. And I’m 19 yk I still live with my mom. And she told me last night to don’t text him call him or anything so I haven’t all day today. She said if he really loves me and cares for me like he says he’ll look for me but I’m going crazy. I love him with all my heart. I’ve cried so much for this guy and I’m in love with him. She doesn’t want me crying for him anymore she says I deserve better. But I just want him forever. He makes me so happy but this time we fought he just seemed like he doesn’t care anymore. Like he texted me back but he only sent a “😘” and that was at 2 in the morning and hasn’t checked on me. I don’t wanna think anymore Idk what to do. I feel so stupid Bc I gave him everything I could. I’m really hurting and I can’t take not talking to him all day. I don’t talk to no one all day. I go to work and work and stay on my phone watching shows to distract myself. I just want him to be How he used to be. When he told me I was beautiful when he told me about his day and how he was going and when he wanted to see me everyday. Idk I’m just stupid I guess