BFP’s out there yet?

Any cycle buddies out there get a positive yet?. My cycle was really wonky, I got an OPK that was the same darkness as the control line on the 11th then one that was a ton darker than the control line on the 14th, so did I ovulate on the 12th or 14th?. Also, I know I probably test way to early and I’m a POAS addict but I can’t help it I want a second baby so badly, and it was extremely hard to conceive our 1st child. Question is, when should a person technically get a positive pregnancy test if they’d start testing. Do I or should I just test on the 25th or when/if I miss my period on the 26TH, to be very accurate for pregnancy?. I’ve tried the first response tests already ( 6 days before expected period) and so far negative.... so I’m feeling disappointed...I’ve also been very crampy the last 3 days and monday evening/tues morning I threw up and today was insanely nauseated all day.. I’m really hoping I am pregnant and get a positive after all. 🤞