Guys are confusing as heck


hi everyone! so im really in need of some advice because im beating myself up pretty bad right now.

so this past weekend one of my girlfriends had her guy friend come up who brought two of his friends. the one guy and i hit it off from the minute he walked in.

we all went out that night and this same guy never left my side. he was all about me and all over me all night. when we went out, he ended up dropping around $350 that night and i offered to pay him back to which he responded, “oh sweetheart, im happy to. i wanted to make sure you had fun.”

i was beaming the whole night because i couldnt remember a time that i had so much fun. now my girlfriend and i live right next door to each other so this guy stayed in my room with me which was no problem at all. and some things happened. he was asking me to keep kissing him all night and every time he saw me.

we all ended up seeing each other again the next night and it was the same thing all over again. the kisses. the winks. the being all about me and all over me all the time. all the feels came rushing back from the night before. we stayed at said guys house. we stayed up both nights until the sun came up. just talking and a little kissing but yanno lol.

we continued the conversation for the next couple of days and some of them got really deep on both sides. he would say the sweetest things and my girlfriend and her guy friend both agreed without me even asking that my guy had a thing for me.

all of a sudden, he stopped really talking to me and i didnt know why. i was so confused. now, i didnt go into this looking for a relationship or anything but just to have a person to spend time with and MAYBE see where things went over time.

i was arguing with myself all day yesterday and consulting my closest girl friends about what to do. i finally broke down and messaged him about it saying something along the lines of “hey idk how youre feeling but i cant get this past weekend or you out of my head. and i know this is probably inappropriate given that we just met but i just wanted to see where you were because of everything that happened”

he responded with “i dont want to hurt your feelings but im not looking for a relationship right now and this weekend was fun and everything but thats not what im looking for and its nothing against you, im just having some personal issues right now” which i totally understand btw. but i just didnt understand how he could do and say all those things without there being something there. he was definitely interested. and i never pressured him into feeling like thats what i wanted. because he would even say over snap that he wanted to see me and kiss me and everything. but anyways...

i then said that i wasnt looking for that either but that i tend to read into things than what they are.

so i have hardly talked to him and he was really sweet about the whole thing. i just feel really confused. i just dont feel like thats the whole truth and i want to find out. now i dont want to nag him or come on too strong or anything, but i really want to find out. my girl friend told me that she could ask the guy she was with for me since he is friends with my guy. but im scared that it’ll come off wrong. im scared that i got played and i want to find out so i can put my feelings to rest

what d y’all think i should do? thank you also for taking the time to read this! i know it was super long but i needed to get all the details in there.