
So I dated this guy for almost two months. We never even kissed cause I’m the first girl he’s ever dated and we’re both rly shy. We’re sophomores btw. I wanted to kiss him so bad but couldn’t tell where he was at and he never shared his emotions. He got so busy and so stressed and said he didn’t think he could do a relationship at the moment. We had liked each-other for months before we got together and he’s the first guy I’ve rly rly cared about. So much to the point where I realized I’m in love with him. I’ve never loved anyone before. But now we’re not together and he was one of my best friends as well. We’re still friends but we rarely talk. I miss him so much. I texted him but he just leaves me in read. I don’t get it. I don’t think I did anything wrong. And I just want to stay friends but it hurts so bad. I love him but I can’t be with him and I don’t know how to handle this. Any advice ? I can’t stand feeling like this anymore