As a high schooler is it actually wrong to have sex in your parents house?

I just read a post where a bunch of people were supporting someone having sex but condemned them for having sex in their room in their parents house when their parents didn’t support it. The person in question was sixteen, and I feel that even if you have to sneak around or do it while your parents are out of the house it’s still the safest and best option! I went to a boarding school, so I didn’t exactly have to deal with the problem of having a boy over in my parents house, but lots of people still had sex or were otherwise intimate and had to do it in weird or potentially dangerous places. If you can’t be sexually active in your own room you’re forced to do it somewhere where you could get in more trouble, including legal trouble for public indecency, or end up somewhere unsafe. I once had a boyfriend over when I was home during the summer while my parents were out of town, and although I asked permission, they thought my older brother would be home. Without me asking he chose to let me have alone time with my boyfriend, mostly because he didn’t want to awkwardly be there, and left for the day. I hooked up with my boyfriend in my room, and I’ve never felt guilty about it, because I genuinely don’t understand what’s wrong with doing that in my room in my parents house. My parents also never told me I couldn’t or really laid out any rules, but I don’t understand why parents have a problem with it as long as they don’t have to hear or see it and everyone is of the age of consent.