what do i do

i’m 17 my boyfriend is 18. i found out i was pregnant a week and a half ago. my boyfriend told me “i can’t tell you no but i wont support your decision. i’ll be there for it though”??? i brushed it off and figured he’d need a bit of time before he came around to it. i also am struggling with my anxiety rising a shit ton so love that for me. he flirts with other females, even had the nerve to ask me if he could take another female to prom. in which i told him he’d be single as fuck for prom then. and then he makes smart remarks about the baby. like how i decided to ruin his life and makes me feel guilty! like it’s my fault i have an embryo in me 🙃 i’ve tried talking to him many times about what i feel and he just ignores me or is short about it. so i just sent him a very long paragraph about why i’m so hard to deal with atm and how what he does bothers me. i also explained in great detail that i took his feelings in to consideration and then went on to explain why i thought abortion or adoption wouldn’t work for me. i also encourage him to talk to me about what he feels but nothing. i’m more than aware that this is very scary but doesn’t give him a reason to be shitty with me. he just as much as me laid down and made a baby. i know also that teen dads don’t stick around too often. but, i really love this boy. if he doesn’t give a flying fuck to what i said what should i do. i don’t want to lose him but this is very tough.