I think I hate my husband

We have a 9 month old son. The last few years were stressful with pregnancy losses and I ignored and excused some obnoxious behavior. But now he’s just so unnecessarily mean, and even his jokes are generally geared toward how dumb I am. We both have MBAs, both work full-time. I make dinner nearly every night, and we’re supposed to split baby duties but I feel like I do most of the work and then on top of that when he takes a turn he complains and says things like I should get off my ass and help. Meanwhile I put the baby to bed the last 5 nights in a row...two of which he was away for a boys weekend.

I keep thinking things will improve but he’ll be utterly obnoxious one night and then act like nothing happened the next day. And I’m an asshole if I bring it up.

Our son has had an awful diaper rash the last 2 weeks and the dr said not to use wipes. He REFUSES to use anything else, and apparently has never wiped our sons butt after a pee diaper anyway “bc it doesn’t need it”. He also doesn’t bother to let it dry before putting the new diaper on. I’m so tired, and I feel like he’s making everything worse instead of better.

Sometimes I fantasize about leaving him but the thought of him having our son for days at a time is awful. He’d never intentionally hurt him but he’s selfish and attached to his phone and acts like an idiot, leaving him on the changing table while he walks across the room. Or taking one poopy diaper all the way to the trash outside while our son screams.

The thing that I really can’t bare is our son learning how to treat me or his future wife the way my husband treats me. Is there an easier time to become a single mom?