Please pray for my baby...🙏😪

L • Mommy to two boys and a little girl 💕

We are at the hospital right now. I'm not entirely sure what's going on. He's a relatively healthy and happy six year old boy. The past 4 days he has been complaining of awful headaches and eye pain. I chalked it up at first as his typical congestion and allergies (poor guy is always congested). The head pain kept getting worse and worse. It started to wake him up in the middle of the night and he stopped responding to Tylenol. Now today (day 4 ) he was crying all day from the pain, saying he was dizzy, and trying his best to explain to me that his vision is messed up.. He wouldn't eat or drink.

I took him to the ER this evening as he was making me nervous. Now he is completely out of it... He is acting as if he is drunk or on drugs. He keeps mumbling nonsense, he is extremely irritable, and is having a hard time following simple instructions. He also developed a fever within 30 minutes. His little body is beet red and he is freezing. He is so exhausted he fell asleep within seconds. That is not normal for my son. He is usually very hyper active and hates going to sleep.

We are waiting to get a cat scan done. They also took a flu swab as that is going around. I am very nervous. Even if it is just the flu it can be very serious for him bc he has horrible asthma. Please say a prayer for my little guy...


Thank you for the prayers and positive thoughts. We just got an update. He does indeed have the flu and a bad strain of it too. I'm not quite sure if they are keeping him yet due to being a high risk with his asthma. We are still waiting on the cat scan results but I'm thinking they will be okay. So far the nurse thinks he was completely out of it bc his fever came out of no where and got pretty high. I'm still wondering why his vision was and STILL is messed up but I will ask the Dr when she comes back in

UPDATE #2****

I never thought my child having the flu wouldve been a blessing in a disguise. So they had a neurologist follow up with me about his cat scan. They found an abnormality. They think he may have something called a Chiari malformation. This can cause pressure is his brain which can cause him headaches. He has been getting headaches pretty frequently recently. I always thought it was just his congestion. He has to follow up with outpatient nuerology and he may need a surgery performed. I guess the symptoms he has with this is not common for young children. Usually when a baby is born with this kind of malformation, symptoms may not even arise but if they do it's not usually until they are way older. I hope we can get this solved for my baby boy... I hope this improves his quality of life and will get rid of those awful headaches he's been getting.