Feeling unattractive

Me and my boyfriend have been together 7 years.

Always had a great sex life.

We got together at quite a young age (I was 13 & he was 15) we weren’t sexually active from the beginning. But ever since we were sexually active things were amazing. I’m now 20 and he’s 22 and I’m 8 months pregnant.

Things have changed a lot when it comes to our sex life and we both communicate about it and understand that it’s probably because I’m heavily pregnant and neither of us deny it just doesn’t feel like it used to right now. Which is fine. To be honest, I don’t really want it and I know that he doesn’t feel like doing it as he gets creeped out that his baby girl is in my tummy and I know that some men feel that way. Again, that’s fine.

I still make sure to satisfy him in other ways as I believe it’s important to keep that sexual chemistry one way or another.

I’m not Interested in being satisfied right now. I’m too uncomfortable all the time and struggle to move to be honest, I feel so unattractive too. I’ve put on 3 stone overall and I just feel huge!

Well, anytime in the whole 7 years I’ve been with my boyfriend it’s always only ever taken him seconds to get hard (sorry if tmi).

Tonight, that changed. I went to give him a BJ and as I was going down on him I felt him get kinda hard (I would say semi at least) and then it just went soft. I tried to get it back up but nothing was happening. It was awful & it’s never ever happened before. Not going to lie, I was so upset and just said to him “it’s not happening” and he agreed and said he’s not in the mood and that he would like one later? Like wtf!

I got up, sat on the sofa and started to cry (it was dark in the room and I was discreet so he couldn’t see - I didn’t want him to know I was upset).

He then noticed something was wrong and knew straight away what it was. He told me how much he loved me and that he still finds me attractive and that he just wasn’t in the mood for it. But what I can’t understand, when I first when down on him, he was looking forward to it? Then he just went soft? I’m so confused!

It’s really knocked my confidence, I feel like that’s us done & we’ll never get that spark back and we’ll never be the same again. This have never ever happened so it’s just like what the hell!

I don’t know what to do.

My heads all over the place. Any advice? Has the happened to anyone else? Does this mean he doesn’t find me attractive now?