I don’t know whats going on!!!

Lauren • Girl Mommy TTC #3

My 3 year old is VERY prone to UTIs. She seems to get one every single time she stays the night at her great grandmas house now that she’s potty trained and I have no idea why. In fact, she is literally on an antibiotic, being treated for a UTI, she spent ONE night out there she literally wasn’t even gone for 24 hours and now her UTI is so bad that she just woke up and her entire room smells like urine (the only time she has accidents is over night, she’s not fully night potty trained). I am pissed because she is literally on an antibiotic and was while she was out there too. How can her UTI literally get worse in less than 24 hours while on an antibiotic?! I need advice because I am at my wits end!