Masturbation: need advice

I see all these posts about husbands masturbating/watching porn/etc. what if this WAS affecting your sex life? What would you do.

My husband travels for work. We honestly only have sec 1-2 times a month, maybe even no sex a month :( I have questioned it before and he just said he’s too stressed or too tired. However- I know he jacks off while he’s away during work travel. One day I found porn page open on our iPad that he brought traveling. I get that sometimes guys just want to have a quick orgasms and go on with their lives but I feel like this is affecting our marriage. I want to feel wanted. I want to have sex more, i want my husband to want to have sex with me. 1-2 times a month is not enough, it almost hurts the way it makes me feel. I’ve brought this up many times to him and again he just says he’s tired/stressed. But when he’s away he’s not too tired nor stress to jack off. I don’t get it. I do know he’s not cheating so that’s not the case. And nothing has changed with my appearance. He says I’m still attractive to him. I’ve literally asked all possible questions but still not getting any more sex. I also do get if he’s too tired or stressed but come on. Any advice on what I should do? I feel like this IS messing up our sex life, porn/masturbation, so of course I’m getting upset that he’s jacking off while away.