Breastfeeding help

I started supplementing and kept supplementing more and more. I’m down to nursing about once a day. Is it too late to reverse it? I’m still producing milk but if I start pumping and nursing more can I bring back up my supply even if it’s low from supplementing? I’m stocked up on propel and coocknjt pineapple body armor and just bought some mother’s milk tea today? I have two pumps, my lanisol kinda sucks and has suction when it wants to and my amenda finesse was missing a part which I bought today so if I get back at it and try to be more dedicated is it possible to bring it back up enough to ebf? I have two other children 8 and 12 that are involved in school and sports and it’s made it easy for me to excuse giving new 9 week old a bottle of formula when I’ve been busy tending to them, but I’m disappointed in myself and don’t want to miss my window. Can I bring it back?