Momma guilt

Rose • Billy💕🔐 William Raleigh•Bradley Benjamin•Bentley Joseph

I go in this Thursday the 6th for a c section to get me twins out .. I’m super excited and nervous all in one. But that last few days I’ve been having the worst momma guilt for my 14 month old. He’s my baby boy and obviously super attached to him with being a stay at home mom and him being an only child for 14 months. Just thinking about not being with him at night time is killing me. I was up all night crying over it. I spent a few days in the hospital when he was about 10 months old. But my SO (his daddy) was Home with him so I didn’t feel as worrried. He’s going to be with my parents for a few days and then his aunt. But again it’s breaking my heart thinking about him crying he wants me and I’m not there to hold my baby 😩😩😩😭😭😭 how did and do you mommas deal with this