My baby boy...


My sweet boy boanz. (Pronounced like bones)

I got him at 3 months off craigslist in 2013. (I know, adopt don’t shop, I was 18 at the time).

Searching for dogs, this guy pops up. He’s the runt, his siblings punk him and he has a floppy ear. Sold. My mom and I pick him up and the guy hands me a very malnourished, skittish dog and a sandwich ziplock bag full of kibble and says, “give this to him when he gets bored.” 😳 he’s so skinny we can see his rib cage, hence the name. A few days later, his tail comes out from between his legs. We introduce him to my sisters who were 2 and a few months old at the time. They grew up with him. He endured their artwork, on his white fur. Them sitting on him, pulling his ears, and fake throwing toys. He didnt care.

He finally had peace and quiet when my boyfriend and I moved into our own place. That lasted a couple years and then his little human came. He didn’t care at first. There wasn’t a big interest in smelly diapers or crying babies. But once my son started eating, and dropping, his food, boanz had a new buddy.

My sons first word was dog. He’s now almost 3 and when he says his good nights he has to tell his puppy good night and give him kisses. When he wakes up, he asks for his puppy to say good morning. When it’s time for boanz to eat (besides my sons snacks) my son tells him to sit, wait and go.

My dog has an aggressive tumor on his penis that is about to close off the ability to pee. I can go the surgical route but that would be so many surgeries just for a couple extra months with him and I don’t know if he would even be happy with the limitations or if would even spread somewhere else. We have chosen when the time comes, we will be putting him to sleep so he can be at 100%. The tumor has developed very quickly in the past month. My son now comforts his “sick” puppy “it’s okay, you go to doctor. It’s okay.”

So to my puppy,

I love you so much. You made me get out of bed for walks when I didn’t want to wake up. You cuddled with me while I cried. You made me laugh. You protected me. You loved my sisters, you loved your tiny human. You were there to wake up your dad at 2 or 3 am for potty trips but never mommy. Lol. You started getting selective hearing (like daddy)and wouldn’t come if we called you, but the moment we said “oh crap” under our breathe, you come running to eat whatever food we might’ve dropped 😆 You’re

the goodest boy and we will for you furever. Time to get extra spoiled.


Mommy, daddy and tiny human

Sorry for the extra long post. I needed to get my feelings out. Its been a hard weekend.