Is he acting reasonably?

Hi ladies. So I need some help on what to do.. so basically i was with my sister & her friend. We were all talking and my sisters friend (let’s just call her Anna) was like “oh weren’t you talking to that one guy James?” I was like yeah when I was like 15 lol. Mind you we were all laughing, I don’t care she was talking to him. Cos I wouldn’t even consider him my ex tbh. But anyways. Anna was just saying how he’s hella weird, always tryna link w her, whatever whatever. I just told her how he’s weird cos he tried to talk to my sister, knowingly that she was my sis. James is a fucken weirdo trust me. Anyway, we looked him up on twitter because Anna’s bf made her delete hers. (Crazy I know lol, her bf & her we’re fighting at the time) So yeah we were all jus like yeah he’s a weirdo. That was it. So, I go to sleep that night. My boyfriend sees that James is on my search history. He says how he’s so hurt, I’m a cheater, all of that. He starts following & talking to other girls behind my back because he was just so mad and hurt he said. I’m telling him what happened and he doesn’t believe it. Well it’s been a few days and he’s saying how we can be together but he lost respect for me, and our love won’t ever be the same. I’m so heartbroken just because he acts so different now. Like I’m not even there. Mind you, he has done so much worse to me. He literally took his ex out to eat while with me, probably had sex her too. And me being a dumbass cos we have a son together, I take him back. I forgive him. And he can’t even forgive me? Like what did i even do? I’m jus so sad and hurt by this.. I don’t even know what to do anymore.. Yeah when he cheated on me I was hurt like him too. I forgave him and got over it. But I didn’t even cheat on him? I didn’t even follow James, text him and definitely did not meet up with him. So what should I do? Do you guys think he has a right to feel this way? Or what do you guys think? & by the way, I’m only ssking for intake on the situation. I couldn’t care less about what you guys have to say about me. So take the shit talk somewhere else if you are gonna say sum. Cos I only about keeping my family together. thanks ladies 💜

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