I feel awful 😭

My baby girl is 4 months and I think we have sleep regression and the starting of teething going on.

She usually goes down amazing for my husband, he can literally put her down awake and walk out the room and she will sleep but for me, it takes a lot of time and patience on my part.

We take turns every other night to put her to bed so it’s not like it’s something new to her but tonight has been awful. She screamed every time I placed her down for over an hour and a half. My husband is out otherwise I know he would help me but i was so upset that I couldn’t get her to sleep that after I picked her up and soothed her for the 5th time, I placed her down as she’d semi drifted again so I decided to go sit out in the hall.

She started crying again but I couldn’t face going back in and doing it all over again right away so I just sat and waited about 2-3 minutes. She gave up and started sleeping but as I popped my head in to check on her she was making little sniffly wimper noises in her sleep and my heart just broke in two 😭 I feel terrible, I’m the first to cringe at the thought of any sort of CIO sleep but that’s exactly what ended up happening 😔