1 year old doesnt Want to eat?

My daughter is 13 months old, she got her 3 shots yesterday, she doesn't have a fever and her thighs aren't swollen or red or warm. But she woke today with like no appetite. She just wants milk and she let me feed her some jello that came with oranges inside, she didn't want her oatmeal which she likes and she didn't even want meat or shredded cheese and I knew for a fact she wasn't gonna want noodles. Finally she ate some grilled cheese with whole wheat bread. But not the whole thing just a couple of bites. I've given her water. Some grape juice and she drinks her milk fine. She's fine on liquids, She's still peeing lots and has pooped twice so I know she isn't dehydrated. But she will not go down for a nap. She looks so tired because she usually naps two hours after getting up and even got up super early today but Everytime I Lay her down she does not go to sleep. I don't know what's got into her today, and nothing but tantrums.

She's eating a banana and crackers with my husband right now too