Depressed and stressed all the time.

I just had my precious baby a month ago, shortly before I found out I was pregnant (I was 3 weeks along) I also found out that my significant other had relapsed a few weeks after coming home from inpatient treatment (he did a 45 day program). When I told him I was pregnant, he promised me he would turn himself in to probation (he failed to report with them a month before we found out I was pregnant) so that he could attempt to get back into a inpatient treatment center to make things right so that his probation here wouldn’t send his case back to the state his charge originally is from. Let’s just say he waited pretty much towards the end of my pregnancy (I was maybe had 2 months left) to turn himself in, (yes he was using my entire pregnancy) doc didn’t want him bc they had already sent his case back, told him that he most likely has a warrant there. About 2 weeks before my due date he was arrested either for speeding or failing to stop at a stop sign, they let him go since the state his warrant was issued was only for that stated not anywhere else, he was able to be here to see our baby be born, two days after being discharged from the hospital, he was arrested again (this time at a friends house) they looked up his name and they seen he had a warrant so the took him into custody, he had court, doc here didn’t accept him back so they sent him back, he’s been there for a week, realistically we’re looking at him being there until September/October once he’s done with inpatient treatment and he’ll be able to come back here. I feel really depressed bc I was left to take care of our baby alone just few days after having him and extremely stressed bc of financial issues, I live on my own so I have rent and bills to pay (my checks from work and my short term disability checks aren’t coming out how I expected them) I worked full time night shift as a CNA my entire pregnancy up until 4 days before my due date, I just don’t know what to do 😭😭😭 i just need some advice/support from you lovely mommas ♥️