Am I being to harsh?

BonQuiQui • I’m blunt with my words, I don’t like animals get over it☺️

So my SO’s mom has been having a habit of just taking our son without asking us first.

The first time she did it is when she came over got his scooter so he would ride it home with her and when she got back she said she was gonna take him around the block and back but instead she took him across town to her house on his scooter!!!! That really pissed me off because her house is a 30 min walk and she had to cross very busy intersections where people are known for getting hit by cars. Then she messaged us saying she took him to her house AFTER they get there!

This time she said she was gonna get him from school and bring him home but instead she got him from school, came back got her car and left didn’t even come inside. I know she did it because our daughter is a sick and would be upset that her brother got to go to grandmas but that’s not the point again she just took him without asking and then txt my SO saying she will bring him back later AFTER she gets there...

I sent her this message

I wanted to say a lot more but I know it would be pointless because she doesn’t care. But it’s getting to the point to where we are gonna stop letting her get him if she is just gonna leave.

I know most of you will say it’s kidnapping even though she is grandma and I don’t really like to say that but I said the same thing to my SO and he said something to her about it.