Spotting 3 days before period?

Ok ladies and gents. I have pretty regular periods. By regular, I mean a cycle with about a 3 day variation. The only thing not regular (I suppose) would be the PMS. (Trigger warming & TMI below)

Anywho, I never spot between periods. Like, ever. (Trigger warning) I've had one pregnancy (that was never carried to term), and I don't even remember if I experienced spotting then.

As of yesterday, 3 days away from my period, I had a pretty decent leakage of bright (dark, not pink) red blood. It was a medium amount, but I would say it was more than the usual small "spotting" bit.

Today i'm 2 days from period and I'm hardly bleeding at all. And this time, it's way browner blood, and for sure a smaller "spotting amount".

I had sex before my fertile window this cycle, but we've been careful. Last period was a period from hell, rediculously painful and bloody (which I experience sometimes- it used to be way worse & frequent when I was younger) so it may just be an odd cycle...? Possibly? I had to sit work out for 3 days because of it.

What gives?

Should I take a pregnancy test (in case of implantation bleeding) or wait and see?

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