What a mess!

Ok here we go. Yesterday I found out I was pregnant I’m only couple of weeks. The man I have been dating only since November I told him he thinks our best option is Abortion... that hurts it hurts me to think it even though this is definitely wrong timing!!!

Let me give you Lil back story both me and the man I’m dating are divorced he has 3 kids 7 years old and twins 3 years old. Me I have 2 kids 11 and 6 .

I am struggling to pay bills I don’t receive help from my ex with the two kids and my now bf is paying out the butt to his ex . Now I own my own home and he rents he gets his children 50/50 I have my kids every day but one or two days a week. He said the stress will brake us.

I’m so scared of making the wrong decision. It’s my body I’m 35 I may never have another child. I love my kids no matter how they got here I never regretted one min having them!

This is the first time this has happened to me a pregnancy this way. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do ! Please help I know abortion would be the simplest fix but I may not be able to handle it .