21 weeks- sleeping situation


So, I’ve been thinking about moving my little guy to his crib in his room for a few weeks now. The night before last he was up CONSTANTLY and would only sleep while I was holding him. He normally sleeps in his pack and play but he wasn’t having it... I figured since he hasn’t been sleeping that well anyways, I might as well try it. We did the same bedtime routine last night and I put him in his bed. He slept from 8-6 only waking up at 2AM to eat and went right back to sleep!!! Of course, I was up all night either checking on him or watching the monitor 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was so hesitant on putting him in his room, but I’m planning on continuing to do so! For those of you that are thinking about it and are hesitant like I was... it’s worth a shot!!