Should I report him?

I’m 19 and started a new job about 5 months ago. I’ve been trying to make new friends at this job because I’ve always been socially awkward.

Long story short, there was a guy doing construction in the break room and I waved to him a few days a week but I didn’t think he even spoke English. That was until he randomly asked my number and I gave it to him. Looking back it does sound so dumb of a choice but it’s not uncommon to do at my workplace because there’s a pretty good age range and other people I’ve made friends with didn’t have social media so we shared numbers too.

Since then, I notice he’s being super creepy. One day, he randomly placed candy in my lunch bag and tells me he thinks I’m divine and very pretty. Another day I had the day off and he texted me telling me that he “missed looking at me”. The other day he told me he “loves me”. (I have ignored majority of his messages and have never flirted). On Thursday he told me that if I need a ride home he will “gladly take me” and then BEGGED for a picture of me so he “could look at me every moment”. He’s also lied about his age and tried to tell me he was about 10 years younger than he is.

I’ve done the “I have a boyfriend” bit and he doesn’t care. I try to ignore him and he blows up my phone.

I asked my dad and he says to report him to HR. I asked a friend from work and he says that I shouldn’t report it because it will make me look like trouble. My mom doesn’t think I shouldn’t even block him because it will make work awkward.

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