Should I be concerned?

Olivia • 22 🔹 Married May 2019 🔹 CLB 9/24/20 👧🏻🔹Baby #2 May 2022🔹

So I got pregnant the first cycle off of birth control pills, I had been on them for a while so I didn’t really remember what my “normal” cycle was like. I didn’t get even a faintly positive pregnancy test until a week after my missed period. I had my first doctors appointment on Thursday and they did an ultrasound, at this point according to my LMP I was supposed to be 6weeks 5 days. The ultrasound was measuring closer to 5weeks and 5 days. So they ordered another ultrasound for a week later and did repeat bloodwork 48 hours later. This is my first pregnancy and I’m just so scared that something is wrong with the baby. Is it normal to be a week off of your predicted due date from your LMP? I should also say that I have not had any horrible cramping or bleeding and that I’ve been having morning sickness, fatigue etc