My story


When I was 13 years old I was sexually assaulted by my cousin I didn’t want to be near men I was so scared of men I was in and out of mental hospitals for suicidal attempts I found out I have bipolar 1 disorder, depression, ptsd, and anxiety I was so scared to open up to anyone because of my past with men then at 17 years I met this incredible guy

He is so sweet to me treats me like a queen and i told him bout 6 months later about my cousin and he was understanding and made me feel beautiful everyday and I feel less insecure bout my body and he respects me I love him so much

In June 2019 I found out I was pregnant

I told him and he was so happy and my face was shocked and he’s still with me and he wants to help me raise the baby then we found it was a boy!! 💙

He makes me feel happy he’s the love of my life and I can’t wait to meet our son